It is one way we are able to be with family without physically being with them! It has helped me so much from getting lonely without all the people I love! CC and I love just having the camera on while Kreg is gone so even though he is far it feels like he is right in the kitchen with us. Its funny to hear the conversations he has with people at the school too. Its nice that he does alot of his work on the computer so its easy for him to just have it on as well. Its so fun to have chats with our parents as well, thanks to modern technology My daughter can know her grandparents despite the distance between them!
CC loves being NAKED or rather just topless. More swimming with Friends Thanks Alli for Taking these pics of CC CC and friends at the memorial day BBQ home made "Drive IN"
To potty train? this girl has shown interest in potty training since she was about 16 months but Im to nervous/LAZY? to do it! She tells me when she needs to go some times and when I put her on the potty she usually will. Her new favorite is to NEED to go right after she gets in the tub. I have to wash her right away because she will ask to go potty and then sit there forever. I think she likes being naked and having the towel on but she does usually go potty!
I mentioned to my Mom that we had yet to see any baby bunnies, well we definitely found some! about 15, living right outside our front door in our planter box~ CC and I went out to go to the park and the momma bunny was there feeding her babies. She got startled by us and took off the babies all sat there quivering and nervous not knowing what to do. CC and I went back in the house and watched through the window. they lined up two by two then one by one they went back into their hole it was SO COOL to watch. I felt like it was national geographic on my front door!
They are really tiny just about 3 inches long. I love there ears! so cute!
We've had some really warm days and have taken advantage of them! CC loves playing on the deck with water. Its so easy to just fill up some different bowls and send her out there she will play until all the water is spilled and then I can just fill it back up! we have a splash pad/spray park up the street from our house(you will be seeing lots of pics from this place throughout the summer). Its fun and FREE! We went on memorial day and even though the water was freezing and the weather wasn't that warm Cecily had a BLAST!! This girl loves water of any kind! She does come from a family of swimmers so Im not surprised. We also went to a BBQ at a friends on memorial day it was really great especially for me, so nice to have company so Im not talking to an almost 2 yr old all the time! Last week we went to Como Zoo with friends, its a small zoo but really great it has rides and its FREE so its perfect for us. Plus CC didnt get bored. It was just the right size. SHe looks so big sitting next her friends Abby and Landon!
Cecily Loves the warm weather she can get naked and go outside to paint, play in the water, and get DIRTY! I have been in major craft mode lately, I guess its due to having so much extra alone time. I really dont want this blog to turn into a craft blog but this is what we have been doing.....(note most if not all of these projects came from thrift store supplies)
My friend just had a baby and I told her I wanted to make something for her, she requested a Tag blanket, It was the first one I have ever made, Super easy but I think I will shorten the ribbons next time!
This Lamp shade came with a thrift store lamp I got last year I finally got around to redoing it. I dont love it but it will do for now until I find a new idea! I made a crayon roll for CC and one for her cousin Colten for his b-day (his not pictured) I am slowly putting things together for CC's big girl room for when she gets out of the crib, well I got a couple of these placemats from Target and thought they would be great as pillows so... I found 3 of these beauties for .49 each I knew with a little paint and some distressing they would look fab! I made another one "ballet Slipper pink" still not sure what to do with the 3rd either to match the pink or ivory or maybe its own color! Even CC gets in on the creativity! She was sick sunday so we stayed home from church, it was such a nice day so we sat on the deck, I was writing in her baby book and she wanted to "lolor" (color) too, so I told her to get shoes and I think her sandals look great with her Christmas P.J.'s!
Here is my made over bed! I am really happy with how the duvet turned out, I made the duvet out of two sheets and just stuck my comforter inside! The sheet shown was the one for pottery barn, its a really wrinkly fabric so I made these kissing pleats to give it a little something more and to help disguise the wrinkles.(its hard to tell in the pic but if you click the picture to make it larger you will see better)I was inspired by this:Its a fun change for spring and summer. I will show the other side when I get tired of this one.But for now the bed is girly and I love it! I still have to do a different bedskirt and figure out the pillow situation. I bought a vintage looking pillow case and turned it into a pillow for CC's big girl room: An apron for a friend who had a B-day: And to livin' up the sewing machine cover I made: These little friends live in our yard, CC loves the "Munny's" as she calls them! We live in the Metro just 10 min fom downtown but with these wild bunnys everywhere it makes me feel like we live in the forest! Its really fun!
CC and I have been scouring the thrift stores in the twin cities for any sweet deals we can find! and boy have I found some! I am working on re-decorating a few rooms in our house and I'm only getting things from thrift stores, I want to see how inexpensively I can do it. Most of the items take some cleaning and painting but somethings I have found brand new! I told you about the S.A. from target well it has things from other stores as well. I have found NEW sheets from Pottery Barn for $6,This New in the package for $7This new in package for $1 I mostly bought it for a pattern to make some more, brand new sheets and curtains for $4-$6 from target, two duvet covers from Target for $6 (one pictured below).I was telling my sister today that I love minnesota for its shopping especially the thrifts stores! Its crazy but there are a lot of wealthy people here that take good care of their stuff then donate it so I can buy it! anyway stay tuned for some furniture re-dos and fun home decor that I've been making!
Happy Mother's day to these two Ladies! They raised us right with patience and love in very loving homes. We are so Lucky and Blessed to have you in our lives. You teach us to be better people daily through your example. We love you more than you will ever know! Great mothers and fabulous Grandmas!!!Happy Mother's day to me, the best job in the world! Its a dream come true and how could I not be in love with this sweet girl!
This guy completed his 1st year of Law School this week!(love the pic from our Wedding!) Congrats to Kreg for a job well done! I am so proud of you and appreciate all the hard work you do for our family! He starts his internship for the summer this week and I know he will do great!