Cecily and I went on a WALK today and it was amazinggg!! mostly just short and sweet but non the less we got to go out side!!!! oh and she says Dada~ of course she does. why wouldn't she? I am the one who is home with her all of the TIME!!! It is way cute though!!!
The weather was a bit warmer today. I am glad you were able to get out and go for a walk! Maybe tomorrow it will be even warmer...we can only hope.
It was pretty nice here today also...I'm glad you guys got out for a little stroll. I bet CC loved it. Ha, isn't it funny how dada comes easier to them...little stinks...gotta love them though
I love when it starts warming up! IT makes it much nicer to take Huck out when it's light and warm outside. And if Huck could talk, I'm sure he'd say Dada too. ;-)
Yeah! I am so glad you got out on a walk! I want to go!!! :) What's your hair schedule like? I need some help! :)
Anna, If you have a Seagull book-pick up the book 52 weeks of Family Night (Tamara Baggett), it is a cute little book of 52 weeks worth of FHE. It doesn't have activities just short little lessons. I'll usually find a good article out of Natalie's "Friend" or from the church website and find a lesson from the book to go along with it. I know Cecily isn't old enough to get it yet but establish the habit now and you'll always do it!
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