We started Cecily on solids this week, She turned 5 months yesterday we just couldn't wait any longer she is going through formula like its going out of style. She is still tiny as ever but hungry all of the time. Lucky girl has her daddy's metabolism! She loves green beans and I gave her peas this morning and she loved them too! I'm so glad she likes her veggies already! Kreg makes yucky faces when I feed her because he hates veggies, I tell him he'd better stop or she will follow his example. I've got to have someone in this house that is healthy with me!
the past month was so fun, watching her learn and grow, she is rolling over in all directions now, she is talking and laughing a ton more and blowing bubbles all of the time! She went through a faze where she did not want to be held and I was disappointed because I could never cuddle with her, now she has flip flopped, she just wants to be held, and not only that you have to be standing up so she can look around. I cant decide which is better _ no cuddling but getting things done or lots of cuddling getting nothing done! Its a good thing I'm so in love with her so either way I'm happy!
Those pics are great. She is so cute. we started Kennedy on veggies at first too...it was great. She did really well with them and then she loved the fruit, but later. Story time at the library sounds great...I just need to get through this week...once this week is over, I am ready to rock and roll!!! I didn't know what apartment number is yours, so I couldn't send you an invite to my jewelry party, but if you just want to get out, my party is the 19th at 11:00 am, at my house. I think I my need another trim soon! I will let you know. I want to kind of grow my hair a smidge, but I don't want it to get nasty again!
Those pics are so cute! That's awesome that she is loving her veggies! Coop didn't like carrots that much at first...but now he loves them all! He, of course, likes fruit better though..but he'll still eat the veggies...i can't believe she is 5 months! It goes by too fast!
She is so cute. She is so petite. Adrie was a total chunck well at least her cheeks! We need to do something. You should come over to the new house sometime. Call me I am always home!
I am thinking I do need a change with the hair...either really dark or some hi-lights, I can't decide!!! I am happy to pass your name around! :) You do a great job! I will call you soon, I promise!
Oh my goodness! How much fun is that? I can't believe it's been 5 months! She is lookin' adorable as ever. I hope I get to see her before she turns 10 months! I miss ya and don't get to talk to you as often as I would love.
Gees what a big girl! That's so fun!
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