
2nd Day of Christmas

Tonight we focused our attention on the True meaning of Christmas. We discussed ways we could do as Jesus would by serving others. We also watched the Christmas Devotional on LDS.org. I love hearing the kids' ideas on ways to serve and be uplifting to others.

Cecily's ideas were: Buying gifts for those who cannot afford it, making treats to take to people, smiling at strangers, and always being willing and aware to help others like opening the door if someone has full hands or getting things they need like refilling the pencil cups at school for the kids.

Oliver's ideas were: Make good choices and be a good listener, and give someone a toy car.

I am always so amazed at how much little kids know. I think being Christlike comes naturally to them, they just need opportunities to act on it.
 Here are some pictures from earlier in the day when we had a face painting party in CC's room. CC painted Oli and Kreg's face and she wanted me to do hers.

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