
My Best Gal

This Girl is so much fun all Day! She loves acting silly and is constantly saying Mom lets take a picture. SHe Hears me say it a lot I guess. She is such a good girl and is so patient with me and with Oliver. She often has to wait for my attention or to do things she wants because Oliver needs me. She is always making me laugh and LOVING on her baby brother. She Tells anyone we see about her NEW brother. She is such a good helper for me and is always getting me things I need for Oli.
OF course we have moments when the adjustment to two kids hits me or when it hits her. I have learned I am not a patient person by nature so its something I have to constantly focusing on. Cecily is smart and knows how to push my buttons so we are figuring out how to adapt and live with the change of having a new family member and being home without the car. Im learning each day about myself as a person, wife, and mama, and constantly finding many things to work on, Cecily is good to remind me of things I shouldn't say and do, nothing like having a real life conscience follow you around all day!!

This picture she wanted to put on the timer and take pics. she told me how to pose and everything!
she was cold so she got Kreg's suit coat to get warm.
Boy do we LOVE dancing in our house. She and I turn the music up and dance we have so much fun! The other night the Bishopric came over for a visit and CC got up and started whipping her hair around and dancing, Kreg looked at me like "What is she doing?" I simply said I told you we were dancing today" ha ha
she loves wearing my sunglasses in the car
I told you she is a good helper!


Brittani said...

we have "dance parties" once a day. turn the music up loud and dance and run around like crazy. They like it best if Rich is there too. We usually dance to Glee songs.

Meg said...

I can not believe your little guy is already 5 weeks wow. Glade you guys are adjusting well. CC is so adorable I knew she would be a great little helper.

(Alli Jagoda) said...

You both look so good in your dancing picture!